
Reflection for Badge #4

If we talk about digital reach in the sense of how popular your posts can be, in my opinion it is possible to control it, maybe in a more indirect way, but it is. By being more active and reacting to the interests of the people that have chosen to follow you on the selected… Continue reading Reflection for Badge #4


Reflection For Badge #3

Presenting information visually has always proven to be more effective. When I think of “presentation”, it all sounds incomplete without the prefix - “Power Point”. Microsoft Office’s tools have always been a big part of my education; teachers would use them to make the long talks about history a little bit more exciting. By bringing… Continue reading Reflection For Badge #3


Reflection for Badge #2

As David Warlick said it (2009), “Technology has inspired a shift from a hunting-and gathering information economy to the domestication of the information landscape.” (p.13). Over recent years, social media tools have been becoming more prominent as being the main resource of information for the younger generation. More and more, we tend to gravitate towards… Continue reading Reflection for Badge #2